Leire Parish Council
Leire Parish Council has five Parish Councillors who are either elected or co-opted to the Parish Council. All council vacancies are currently filled. All council members serve for a four-year term before being required to submit themselves for re-election.
Parish Council meetings are held in the Village Hall, generally on the second Tuesday of each month, and the attendance of members of the public is welcomed.
The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of green spaces, including the playing field, Station Lane footpath and the allotments. Additionally, the Parish Council are trustees of Jubilee Walk nature walk, and will also act on behalf of parishioners in the resolution of local issues by liaising with the District and County Councils. For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.
Standing Orders
The latest version of the Parish Council's Standing Orders were adopted at the Parish Council meeting held on 22.04.21. They are based on the NALC Model Standing Orders.
Policies and Regulations, Standing Orders, 2021-04-22 (PDF, 205 Kb)
Standing Orders adopted by the Parish Council on 22.04.21.
Parish Councillors
The Code of Conduct for Leire Parish Council was adopted at the Parish Council meeting held on 22.04.21.
Policies and Regulations, Code of Conduct, 2021-04-22 (PDF, 59 Kb)
Code of Conduct adopted by Leire Parish Council on 22.04.21.
There are five Councillors on Leire Parish Council, to find out who they are and how to contact them please follow the link below:
Other Local Elected Representatives
Contact details for the District Councillor, County Councillors and Member of Parliament representing Leire:
Parish Clerk
Mrs Katherine Clarke
- Address
- The Old Stables
Fir Tree Lane
LE17 6BH - Telephone
- 01788 869 007
- clerk@leireparishcouncil.org.uk
Complaints Procedure
Policies and Regulations, Complaints Procedure, 21-02-09 (PDF, 30 Kb)
Leire Parish Council Complaints Procedure - Adopted 09.02.21