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Leire Parish Council Serving the people of Leire


Current Status: May 2022

The Leire Neighbourhood Plan Referendum took place on 12.05.22, all electors were invited to vote. 73.89% of the turnout voted in favour of the Plan which will now be 'made' by Harborough District Council.

Declaration of Referendum Result and Final Decision Notice to follow.

For further information please follow the link below to the Harborough District Council website:

Leire Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version

Independent Examination

Further correspondence between the Independent Examiner, Harborough District Council, Leire Parish Council and parishioners is available to view on Harborough District Council's web page for the Leire Neighbourhood Plan, please follow the link below to view:

Further correspondence between the Independent Examiner, Harborough District Council, Leire Parish Council and parishioners is available to view on Harborough District Council's web page for the Leire Neighbourhood Plan, please follow the link below to view:

Further correspondence between the Independent Examiner, Harborough District Council, Leire Parish Council and parishioners is available to view on Harborough District Council's web page for the Leire Neighbourhood Plan, please follow the link below to view:

Regulation 16 Consultation

A six week consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan was held between 7th April and 19th May 2021. The redacted representations to the consultation are shown in the document below:

Executive Summary and Timeline

Leire Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version - October 2020

Appendices to Leire Neighbourhood Plan

Supporting Documents to Leire Neighbourhood Plan

January 2021 to March 2021

Update 17th March 2021: After further clarification from the Qualifying Body concerning the timeline of consultation, updating the Parish Council website, checking and resubmitting the statutory documents to Harborough District Council, the Council is satisfied that the submission of the Leire Neighbourhood Plan meets the legal requirements and will proceed to Regulation 16 consultation between 7th April and 19th May 2021.

Leire Neighbourhood Plan was submitted by Leire Parish Council, as the Qualifying Body to Harborough District Council for examination on 6th January 2021. The validation that was completed has now been reopened by Harborough District Council. The validation will be completed on the resubmission of the specified documents.

Update 3rd March 2021: Harborough District Council has suspended progress of the Leire Neighbourhood Plan until it is confirmed all the documents on the Parish Council website are up to date and available to those wishing to view them.

Update 5th March 2021: Harborough District Council has been informed by a resident that some of their representations made at Regulation 14 stage are still missing from the Consultation Statement. The Parish Council has been informed and asked to check and amend the documents and resubmit all the documentation for Examination. A further validation of the newly submitted documents will be undertaken.

The next stage in the process is Regulation 16 Consultation.

In accordance with the regulations the dates for the Regulation 16 Consultation are provisionally confirmed as being between 7th April and 19th May 2021 subject to the Parish Council website being updated. Representations will be sought from stakeholders and other consultees and all representations will be forwarded to the Independent Examiner.

Details will be available at www.harborough.gov.uk/consultation when the consultation starts.

Strategic Environmental Assessment Determination - February 2021

Parishioner Complaints - February 2021

  • Neighbourhood Plan, Response to Complaints submitted to HDC (PDF, 121 Kb)

    Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Response to Complaints submitted to Harborough District Council

    Harborough District Council has received a number of complaints concerning the preparation of the Leire Neighbourhood Plan. These include:

    • Transparency
    • Consultation
    • Allocation of housing site

    Harborough District Council have advised that it is not for the District Council to comment on the merit of particular policies or to pre-empt the Examiner opinion as to whether the Plan meets the Basic Conditions, but to be satisfied that the Plan has met the legal requirements for submission to the District Council. The Parish Council (Qualifying Body) has clarified the points raised by complainants and provided further information to satisfy the District Council that the legal requirements have been met

Strategic Enviromental Assessment Screening Report - September 2020

Regulation 14 Consultation - 13th July 2020 to 24th August 2020

Landowner Letters - January 2020

Village Leaflet - December 2019

Landowner Letter and Questionnaire - September 2019

Questionnaire - September 2018

Open Event - 26th September 2018

Stakeholder Letter - September 2018

Vision Document - June 2018

Open Event - 16th April 2018

Designation of the Leire Neighbourhood Plan Area

  • Neighbourhood Plan, Neighbourhood Area Designation Decision Notice (PDF, 393 Kb)

    Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Neighbourhood Area Designation Decision Notice

    Leire Parish Council, as the relevant body, applied for the designation of the Leire Neighbourhood Area on 23 November 2017. The application for the Neighbourhood Area is the entire Parish of Leire. In accordance with Regulation 5A of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations the Local Authority must exercise their powers under section 61G of the 1990 Act to designate the specified area as a neighbourhood area. Harborough District Council confirmed the designation of Leire Neighbourhood Area on 4 December 2017.

  • Neighbourhood Plan, Map of Designated Area (PDF, 505 Kb)

    Leire Neighbourhood Plan - Map of Designated Area

Leire Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Neighbourhood Plan Process

Step One - Designation of Neighbourhood Plan Area

  • The Qualifying Body (Parish Council) submits an application to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to designate a neighbourhood area
  • The LPA publicises and consults on the area application for a minimum of 6 weeks
  • The LPA designates a neighbourhood area within the statutory timescales

Step 2 - Preparation of Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The Qualifying Body develops proposals (advised or assisted by the LPA):

  • gather baseline information and evidence
  • engage and consult those living and working in the neighbourhood area and those with an interest in or affected by the proposals (e.g. service providers)
  • talk to land owners and the development industry
  • identify and assess options
  • determine whether a plan is likely to have significant environmental effect
  • start to prepare proposals documents e.g. basic conditions statement

Step 3 - Pre-submission Publicity and Consultation

The Qualifying Body:

  • publicises the draft plan and invites representations
  • consults the consultation bodies as appropriate
  • sends a copy of the draft plan to the LPA
  • where European Obligations apply, complies with relevant publicity and consultation requirements
  • considers consultation responses and amends plan if appropriate
  • prepares consultation statement and other proposal documents

Step Four - Submission of a Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to the LPA

  • Qualifying Body submits the plan proposal to the LPA
  • LPA checks that submitted proposal complies with all relevant legislation
  • If the LPA finds that the plan or order meets the legal requirements it:
    • publicises the proposal for minimum 6 weeks and invites representations
    • notifies consultation bodies referred to in the consultation statement
    • appoints an Independent Examiner (with the agreement of the Qualifying Body)

Step Five - Independent Examination

  • LPA sends plan proposal and representation to the Independent Examiner
  • Independent Examiner undertakes examination
  • Independent Examiner issues a report to the LPA and Qualifying Body
  • LPA publishes report
  • LPA considers report and reaches own view
  • LPA takes the decision on whether to send the plan to referendum

Step 6 - Referendum

  • relevant council publishes information statement
  • relevant council publishes notice of referendum
  • polling takes place
  • results declared

Step Seven - Making the Neighbourhood Plan (bringing it into force)

  • subject to referendum results the LPA considers plan in relation to EU Obligations and Convention Rights
  • If the plan is compatible with EU Obligations and does not breach Convention Rights – the LPA makes the plan

Last updated: Thu, 19 May 2022 19:47